Become Our Patient

Become Our Patient

Thank you for your interest! Don’t have health insurance or you are insured under Medicaid? Do you live in Virginia? If so, there’s a good chance we can become your new medical home.

Our intake process is the first step on your journey to holistic, whole-person care. It is very important, and we cannot skip this first step. Everyone must enroll before their first appointment and renew each year.

Stopping by In-Person?

Here’s What to Bring.

Come meet our team of bilingual specialists!

Mondays: 9:00 – 4:30
Tuesdays: 9:00 – 6:00
Wednesdays: 9:00 – 12:00*
Thursdays: 9:00 – 4:30
Fridays: Closed*

*temporary hours

Closed for Lunch: 12:15- 12:45 Mon-Wed.

Have questions? 540-536-1680

Living in Virginia

We need something that shows that you live in Virginia, like a driver’s license, phone bill, lease, motel bill, a letter from someone you are living with, a letter from a shelter, and etc.

Proof of Income

We need to know how much you made in at least the last month. If you get paychecks, we need your last month’s paystubs.  Please bring award letters for unemployment benefits, social security, disability or other forms of income. We’ll need these for your whole household, including your spouse and any income made by people you claim as dependents on your taxes.

Other Items

These documents help us get you access to more low-cost medicines and to complete your financial assistance application with Valley Health. They are not required to be a patient here, but they can save you a lot and open up more care options:

  • Two months of bank statements (if you have an account- these are for Valley Health)
  • Social Security Card or ITIN Card or letter
  • Tax return

We strongly recommend that you complete Valley Health System’s Financial Assistance Application.

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