A Love Letter to Our Volunteer Mask Makers

A Love Letter to Our Volunteer Mask Makers

“Order canceled by supplier.” My stomach dropped. No facemasks. This was the fourth supplier and each canceled. This was early in the pandemic when there was hope that orders would be filled.   As the Executive Director of Sinclair Health Clinic, protecting my...
Our Patient Portal: Providing 24/7 Access to Care

Our Patient Portal: Providing 24/7 Access to Care

Manage your Healthcare Online, Anytime Sinclair Health Clinic continues to look for ways to improve communication with our patients.  We are excited to present AthenaHealth’s online Patient Portal as another step towards creating more efficient and effective...


“These are not normal times. Not for our families, not for our community, not for our clinic. When times are tough, partnerships give strength. After all, sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.” Through our partnerships within our supportive community and our...

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